Wednesday, 31 July 2013

~ Compassion, The Godliness ~

~ A Sufi Story ~

There was a Sufi saint. He always loved to share his Food with someone by inviting him at his home. He never ate his Food alone.

One day, he invited many people but none of them accepted his invitation.

Eating the food alone was very hard for him, because it had never been a Food who took away his appetite; it was the sharing of food with someone, which always fulfilled him with bliss-fullness.

Today, he was very unhappy and decided, until he finds someone, he will not eat.

Suddenly an Old guy knocked at his doorstep asking for Food.

Sufi saint welcomed him with folded hands and said,

“I am blessed with your presence, I had been waiting for it. Allah (GOD) might have seen me sad and he sent you. He is very compassionate.”

Sufi saint served the Old Guy with food and requested him to eat.

The moment Old guy started eating; Sufi saint noticed that he did not remember the Allah, (The name of GOD) before he eats.

He rushed towards the old guy and held his hand tightly. He did not allow him to swallow that bite.

Sufi Saint: “why didn’t you remember the Allah (The name of GOD) before eating the food”?

This behavior shocked the Old Guy weirdly.

Old Guy: “I do not believe in Allah (The name of GOD). Why should I utter his name”?

Sufi Saint: “Okay, fine! But remember you are not allowed to eat this food then.”

Old Guy: “Please free my hand and let me go away from here, thank you.”

The house was filled with mysterious silence and slowly the Old Guy started walking towards the door.

All of sudden there descends the Voice of Allah (GOD) in the house. It was roaring at Sufi saint:

“Even though, this Old Guy had never remembered me for last 70 years.
I know it. But I never put any condition in front of him and I kept on feeding him whenever he was starving.

And you did not allow him to eat, how did you let him go starving?

Just for a one time meal you asked him to fulfill your condition, first?

How do you call it LOVE?

Whom I have been feeding for last 70 year without any expectation, you could not even feed him a one-time meal?


Sufi saint, fell down in front of the OLD GUY in his feet and requested:

“Forgive me please, it was my mistake. I forgot that God (Compassion, the Godliness) knows no conditions and I should have not used his name to fulfill my expectations. Please accept this food.”

This is the very important to understand that the very nature - of Compassion or of Godliness - never sees abilities. It just goes on showering, it never differentiates.

Since, we have born in this world, even before that, we have always been taking care of 
by this Compassion in this existence, miraculously .

Compassion has been known as a highest form of love by all the Awakened Masters.

It reminds me of my Master OSHO, he used to say that, Love in the physical world has got many forms, because of a trained mind in human beings, which is enforced by Societies, so called Religions and Politics.

But never forget, when this Love becomes free of all the Forms such as:
Fantasies, Attachments and Possessiveness.

It is transformed into Compassion and becomes a formless reality, which is available for everyone without any Conditions, Expectations, Requests and Demands.

Whether someone asks for it or not, it does not matter. It is simply available.

Just for a moment, if we become aware of our Breath.

Does it have a specific resistance towards thieves, murderers, enemies and deceivers?

 NO, it does not. It is a sheer blessing of existence out of Compassion.

Every new Breath is bringing, a new opportunity from the unknown realms of life for everybody to live more, to celebrate more, and to experience the life more, in its all lengths and heights.

May we never forget to be grateful
- for every moment
- for every smile
- for every breath
- for every friend
- for every good and bad (although there is none) !!! :) !!!

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Remember to put the glass down! - A beautiful story to learn "The Art of Letting Go!" -

A psychologist walked around a room while teaching stress management to an audience.

As she raised a Glass of water, everyone expected they'd be asked the "half empty or half full" question. Instead, with a smile on her face, she inquired: "How Heavy is this glass of water?"

Answers called out ranged from 8 oz. To 20 oz.

She replied, "The absolute weight doesn't matter. It depends on how long I hold it.

If I hold it, for A minute, it's not a problem. If I hold it for an hour, I'll have an ache in my arm.

If I hold it, for A day, my arm will feel numb and paralyzed.

In each case, The weight of the glass doesn't change, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it Becomes."

She continued, "The stresses and worries in life are like that glass of water. Think About them for a while and nothing happens.

Think about them a bit longer and they begin to hurt. And if you think about them all day long, you will feel paralyzed – incapable of doing anything."

It’s important to Remember to let go of your stresses. As early in the evening as you can, put all your burdens down. Don't carry them through the evening and into the night.

Remember to put the glass down! :)

Monday, 29 July 2013

Welcome to Yog Nisarga Blog

Namaste and welcome to Yog Nisarga Blog

Yog Nisarga is India’s one of the finest Yoga teacher training school. With Having good experience in yoga teacher training, we can take your practice and art of teaching to the next level. Yog Nisarga is registered with Yoga Alliance International. Yoga Alliance International is the globally recognized institution who approves and gives credibility to yoga schools in India & around the world.

We offer a 200- Hour Residential Yoga Teachers Training Course, registered with Yoga Alliance International. We specialize in Ashtanga and Hatha Yoga. This 4 week Yoga Alliance USA Certified Yoga training schedule combines, learning basic anatomy, teaching practice, esoteric philosophy, branches of yoga, ethics and codes, yoga for pregnancy/children/elderly people, yoga therapy for any medical/health condition, basic Ayurveda, meditation, and more.

Our daily Drop-in Yoga Practice includes pranayama, meditation & asanas (poses) followed by relaxation. You will experience the emptiness and silent during and after the class. The classes are designed for practitioners of any level (beginner, intermediate & advanced). The teachers adapt to the energy and level of the group and individuals.